Immersion heaters Small Rotkappe range

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  • Traditional heating system for small plants and tanks
  • Direct heating method for nearly all process liquids heating applications.
  • Single-phase, up to 1.6 kW


ROTKAPPE Immersion Heaters are the most suitable and direct heating method for nearly all process liquids heating applications. Using the widest variety of immersion tube materials ensures excellent chemical resistance.


Rotkappe immersion heaters
The ROTKAPPE immersion heater is constructed on a modular basis and consists of tubes, long-life heating cartridges, terminal casing and a lead. The immersion tube materials proposed are porcelain, technical glass, quartz glass, PTFE compound, stainless steel and titanium.

Options and accessories

Mounting sleeve ML for LC casing

For space-saving fitting in supports or tank cross-beams
drill-hole diameter 63 mm
Material  : EPDM

Mounting wrench SL for LC casing

To open the LC casing and the cable-gland

HL support for LC casing

Support screwed onto the tank rim, easy fitment of the terminal casing
For heaters with LC casing
Material : PP

Terminal casing LC

Material red terminal casing : PP, réf. LC - Material white terminal casing : PVDF, réf. LC/L

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